Saturday, November 23, 2013

Thursday, 21 November

Thank you to Maggie Michaels and The Curriculum of Cuisine, and Jessie Moore of Hollywood Whole Foods for the fabulous demonstration of vegetable centered, easy to prepare food in class on Thursday!

Students got to sample a variety of vegetables and were shown four easy ways to prepare them.

Many students tried vegetables that they had never tasted before. Please see the photos and some of the recipes below.

Students should remember their exit surveys for class right after the break.

Happy Thanksgiving!

See you at conferences.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Monday/ Tuesday

Monday class wrapped up the "How to Eat More Vegetables" project.

All project self-evaluations should be in now.

Juniors took the Oregon OAKS reading assessment Tuesday.

Seniors worked with Mr. Zartler on essays for college, and for college scholarships.

Everyone is reminded to bring the release for the guest chef.

Students should go directly to room #141 on Thursday!

Friday, November 15, 2013

Looking Ahead/ Publicity Permission

On Monday the 18th students will complete presentations of their "How to Eat More Vegetables" projects.

On Tuesday, Juniors will be doing OAKS testing, and Seniors will have a lesson on the college essay.

On Thursday, 21 November The Curriculum of Cuisine and Whole Foods are bringing Healthy Living Chef Jessie Moore to our classes.

Please, if you can, sign the attached Publicity Permission form and bring it to Mr. Zartler if you have not already.

November 12th and 14th

Class on Tuesday was work time. There was a substitute and at the beginning and end of class she tried to help students have a plan for success.

Presentations began on Thursday.

Groups that presented on Thursday have the following self-evaluation attached below due on Monday. Others will have it due on Tuesday.

November 4-7

This week class was devoted to the following project: "How to Eat More Vegetables and Whole Grains, and Less Processed Foods, Meat, Sugar and Junk Food Project." Below are handouts for the project.

Data for the project can be collected this way:

Here is a blank form:

Friday, November 1, 2013

Thursday, 31 October

Students received the following assignment. This project is due on the 14th of October.
Mr. Zartler taught a lesson on how to review and analyze a recipe as preparation for this project.

On Tuesday of next week, he will spend more time explaining how to translate and equate ingredients so that an effective data table can be created to assist in the analysis.

The class also made charts describing Bittman's goals, and how to recognize processed foods.