Friday, May 30, 2014

Thursday, 29 May

The class finished viewing Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

The the class worked, first individually then as a group, to complie evidence of the key conflicts shared among the films: Generational Conflict; Master vs. Apprentice; and Tradition vs. Innovation.

Students had time to create thesis statements and topic sentences for the following expository essay due on Monday:
In a 2-3 page essay explain how the themes we have focused on are present in the three films we studied. Explain the nature of the conflicts and how they are resolved. (There are three films and three themes. A papers must deal with a minimum of four of these six. An "A" paper must address five or six of the five.)

Juniors should bring a final rough draft on Monday, June 3rds. Seniors final paper is due in class on Monday.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Tuesday, 27 May

Class completed a WITS Class evaluation.

Mr. Zartler turned papers back both from the WITS residency and theses.

Mr. Zartler handed out grade print outs.

The class reviewed one definition of a Mastery, then continued viewing Jiro Dreams of Sushi.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Tuesday, 20 May

Today was a celbration of writing. Each student read a piece or a portion of a piece that they had written in class.

Much fun, and great writing!

See you at Broadway Books Wednesday, at 7:00 for more sharing and celebrating!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Tuesday, May 13th

Apricot taught class.

Every student conferenced with Apricot and was invited once again to read at Broadway Books on May 21st.

Students had time to work on their final piece.

Apricot will return to teach two more times: Thursday, May 15th and Tuesday, May 20th.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Monday, 12 May

Students reviewed the Master & Apprentice relationship. We considered the typical progress of a traditional apprentice: no skilled work; simple jobs; more complex responsibilities; complex tasks; "certification"; Journeyman status.

The class wrote to and discussed the prompt "How do you know what you want?"

We began viewing Ramen Girl and using the graphic organizer for the assignment.

(we watched about 21:20 of the film)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Thursday, 8 May

Mr. Zartler led the class in lesson #7 of the WITS experience. He handed out a rubric for student's final pieces for the residency.

Class went over the following dates: Memoir due 20 May. Rough drafts due 13 May.

Study and viewing of Ramen Girl on 8, 12, 15 May.

Study and viewing of Jiro Dreams of Sushi on 19, 22, 27 May.

Expository essay on the films: Eat, Drink, Man, Woman; Ramen Girl; Jiro Dreams of Sushi and the themes Generational Conflict; Master and Apprentice; and Tradition vs. Innovation due 3 June.

WITS reading at Broadway books (extra credit activity) Wednesday, 21 May.

The class then began studying for Ramen Girl by considering the question of "Core Values," "What do I want to Learn (and how will I learn it)?" and how these goals realate to core values.

Period 3 made a list of Masters and Apprentices and then wrote about the question: What does the apprentice owe the master?

Tuesday, 6 May

Apricot taught lesson #6 in her residency.

Students who missed class missed some great teaching, but can find the lesson outline in their WITS folders.

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, 5 May

We finished viewing Eat, Drink, Man, Woman and taking notes for the upcoming essay.

Apricot will be teaching tomorrow.

Thursday, May 1st.

Class covered a variety of topics today.

First Mr. Zartler shared the remaining dates in Apricot Irving's residency:
April 29th: "Hunger"; May 6th "Feast"; May 8th short lesson led by Mr. Zartler to prep; May 13th: "Conferences"; May 15th "Revision"; May 20th "Practice Reading"; May 21st Public Reading at Broadway Books in the evening.

Mr. Zartler then gave a lesson on how to write and include a "section thesis" in a "section introduction" in the thesis. He reviewed how the quote patter: "Intro the quote; quote the quote; cite the quote; explain the quote" should be followed with paraphrased evidence as well as embedded quotes in the thesis.

Class reviewed block indenting.

Mr. Zartler provided handouts and discussion for writing effective introductions and conclusions.

Next Mr. Zartler introduced the Food in Film unit.
Films to be studied are: Eat Drink Man Woman directed by Ang Lee;Ramen Girl starring Brittany Murphy; and Jiro Dreams of Sushi a documentary about the greatest sushi chef Jiro.

The films all feature tension or conflict between apprentices and masters; tradition and innovation; and conflict between generations.

The class considered the tension between tradition and innovation in a short writing and group activity.

The class will begin studying Eat Drink Man Woman  on Monday.