Class began by reviewing the homework question, "What do Restaurant Reviews and Personal Essays have in common?" There were a number of things that were identified, however Mr. Zartler made a special point of discussing that for both kinds of writing the audience has specific needs for information.
Next the class created a variety of "value line ups" so that each student could become clear on what their values around eating a meal out are.
After the line ups, students made notes about their values so that they would be sure to let the readers of their reviews know what those values are.
Complete a SOAPS + Claim analysis of the following essay.
(Subject; Occasion; Author/ Audience; Purpose; Significance; Claim(s)) Due Thursday, 6 December.
Next the class created a variety of "value line ups" so that each student could become clear on what their values around eating a meal out are.
After the line ups, students made notes about their values so that they would be sure to let the readers of their reviews know what those values are.
Complete a SOAPS + Claim analysis of the following essay.
(Subject; Occasion; Author/ Audience; Purpose; Significance; Claim(s)) Due Thursday, 6 December.
Future Due dates include:
Personal Essay draft: Monday, 10 December
Independent Reading complete: Thursday, 13 December
Independent Reading Project: Monday, 8 January
Restaurant Review: Thursday, 17 January
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