Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday, 3 April

Apologies, the following didn't post correctly.

Rough Drafts of the thesis were due. Students completed questions as shown at the bototm of this post.

The class then broke into three groups to analyze three articles: One called "The Secret to Success" about Portland area restaurants, one on the Nez Perce claiming a right to hunt Bison in Yellowstone National Park, and one about an Italian DJ who works to preserve traditional foods in Italy.

Presentations of these analyses will be in class on Tuesday. (2nd period however, juniors will be in an assembly).

Apricot will be teaching on the 10th, 15th, and 21st.

These are the questions for those who did (and also for those who did NOT) turn in their rough draft:

Thursday, April 3, 14
Your Thesis Rough Draft is due today. You have different assignments based on whether or not you have a draft with you right now.

Name ________________________________________________________ Thursday, April 3, 14 Period ________

Y / N I am turning in the rough draft of my thesis right now.

If “Yes” answer the questions on this page. If “No”, turn the paper over.
Did you turn in about 50 notes on cards already? Y / N

Did you turn in a model section? Y / N

Did you turn in an outline? Y / N

What do you think you have done well on this draft:






What do you think you could do better without help or further instruction from Mr. Zartler:






What do you think you could do better with help or further instruction from Mr. Zartler:






What (if anything are you hoping Mr. Zartler does next to help you on your thesis?



Name ________________________________________________________ Thursday, April 3, 14 Period ________

Did you turn in about 50 notes on cards already? Y / N

Did you turn in a model section? Y / N

Did you turn in an outline? Y / N

About how much time did you work on your thesis each day? _____ hours ____ minutes.

How many tutorials have you attended?



If you attended tutorial did you get the help you needed?



What do you think you could do better without help or further instruction from Mr. Zartler:






What do you think you could do better with help or further instruction from Mr. Zartler:






What (if anything are you hoping Mr. Zartler does next to help you on your thesis?



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